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Supporting local small business

Updated: Aug 25

My favorite Japanese restaurant Ninja Sushi in Walnut

Dr. Hong Diana Zhao has always been a steadfast supporter of local small businesses in Walnut, recognizing their vital importance to the community. Recently, Dr. Zhao visited her favorite Japanese restaurant in Walnut, Ninja Sushi, once again demonstrating her enthusiasm and support for local businesses.

Small businesses are the lifeblood of the community, providing not only employment opportunities but also enriching the cultural diversity of the area. Restaurants like Ninja Sushi not only satisfy residents' culinary needs but also serve as essential gathering and social spaces. These businesses are not just symbols of Walnut's vibrant community but are also key drivers of the local economy.

Dr. Zhao remarked, "Small businesses are the backbone of our community and deserve our attention and support." She promises that if elected as a City Council member, she will fully advocate for policies and initiatives that support the growth of small businesses. Dr. Zhao is committed to creating a more business-friendly environment, reducing the operational burdens on small businesses, and ensuring that these enterprises can continue to thrive in Walnut. She firmly believes that the success of small businesses is closely tied to the prosperity of the community, and she will take concrete actions to ensure the sustained growth of the local economy, making Walnut a vibrant and opportunity-filled place.

趙宏博士始終堅定地支持Walnut當地小型企業,她深知這些企業對社區的重要性。近日,Dr. Zhao拜訪了她位於Walnut最喜愛的日式餐廳——Ninja Sushi,此次拜訪再次展現了她對本地企業的熱情與支持。

小型企業是社區的經濟命脈,不僅為居民提供了工作機會,也豐富了社區的文化多樣性。像Ninja Sushi這樣的餐廳,不僅滿足了居民的美食需求,更成為了大家聚會、社交的重要場所。這些企業不僅是Walnut社區活力的象徵,也是推動當地經濟發展的關鍵力量。

趙宏博士指出:“小型企業是社區的脊梁,需要我們的關注與支持。她承諾,如果當選市議員,她將全力推動政策和措施,支持小型企業的發展。她將致力於創造一個更友善的經商環境,減輕小型企業的運營負擔,並確保這些企業在Walnut市能夠持續蓬勃發展。Dr. Zhao堅信,小型企業的成功與社區的繁榮息息相關,她將以實際行動確保本地經濟的持續成長,並讓Walnut市成為一個充滿活力和機會的地方。


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